Ils se sacrifient pour payer les études de leur petite-fille et apprennent qu’elle a réussi l’examen du barreau dans une vidéo touchante

Passing the Bar and qualifying as a Barrister is my biggest accomplishment to date. However it would have never happened without my Grandparents who I can only be forever grateful for. Taking me in at 2 years old and retiring early to care for a toddler was the most selfless act anyone could have done for me. Bar school is extremely expensive and is still so inaccessible to the majority of people living in the UK. To be able to attend, they decided to remortgage their house that they had paid off so many years ago and without that, I would not be where I am today. So, as much as this acheivement is down to my hard work and MANY late nights, I share this acheivement with them.

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